Coronavirus Updates
Current Requirement (Updated 2.8.2023)
Maine’s community colleges have ended a COVID-19 vaccine requirement for on-campus students, effective immediately.
The student vaccine protocol had required all on-campus students to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
Maine Community College System (MCCS) President David Daigler cited better access and range of preventative and treatment options for COVID-19, strong vaccination rates in Maine, and improved outcomes for pandemic victims as key factors in his recommendation to the board of trustees.
There is one exception to the new protocol: Students in some programs may be required to have a COVID-19 vaccination due to the requirements at third-party locations, such as student placement sites.
Expanded wellness education efforts may include, but are not limited to, facilitating access to health care tools such as vaccination and flu shot clinics, direct messages to students, digital and print messaging in public spaces, and wellness messages in campus community newsletters.
Covid Update from Dean of Students 6/10/2022:
Dear NMCC Students,
As of today (6/10/22) data from the Maine CDC indicates that COVID-19 transmission rates in Aroostook County have dropped to the point that we are now designated a “LOW” transmission area. Below are links to this CDC data and their recommended steps for addressing COVID-19 in low transmission/GREEN counties.
Beginning immediately masks are optional when accessing campus buildings.
We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and adjust our policies and procedures as appropriate.
Matthew A. Grillo
Covid Update from NMCC President Tim Crowley 4/29/2022:
April 29, 2022
RE: COVID-19 Update
To Students, Faculty, and Staff:
Recent data from the Maine CDC indicates that COVID-19 transmission rates in the County have risen to the point that Aroostook County is a HIGH Transmission area. Below are links to the CDC data and recommended steps for addressing COVID-19 transmission in high risk or RED areas.
Beginning immediately masks will be required for all on campus activities. We are basically returning to a masking requirement.
We hope this is a temporary condition that will change in the next few days or weeks. Plans for the end of the semester events can go forward but at this point masking will be required at these events.
If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to me or to Dean Grillo for clarification.
Timothy Crowley, President
Covid Update from NMCC Dean of Students 3/14/2022:
- As of March 14th, masks will be optional at Northern Maine Community College except for individuals who tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 10 days. Per CDC guidance individuals who tested positive for COVID-19 may leave isolation on day 6 (only if major symptoms have resolved for at least 24 hours) and should mask through day 10.
- All students and staff should still communicate positive test results with Dean Grillo ( for clearance to return to campus when appropriate.
- Completion of the daily LiveSafe App is no longer required.
Email from NMCC Dean of Students 12/23/2021:
Dear NMCC Students,
Please take the time to read the following information related to the start of the second semester and important updates to our COVID-19 safety protocols.
Spring Semester Start Date/Dorm Opening
After careful consideration, NMCC has decided to move the start date of the spring semester to January 18th. We hope this will allow time for any “holiday COVID surge” to run its course and provide a safer environment for our community to work, live, and learn. This also changes the date our dormitories will open to January 17th. At this time we do not anticipate this change to alter the date of graduation or the other breaks scheduled during the spring semester.
Dormitory Resident Testing
All students residing in a dormitory need to arrive at the beginning of the spring semester with a negative COVID-19 test taken within the previous 72 hours of their arrival. If you are unable to get a test in your hometown, please reach out to me prior to your arrival so we can support you in meeting this requirement.
COVID-19 Booster Requirement
Following updates provided by the Maine Community College System earlier this week, any student or trainee accessing NMCC facilities, including off-site education centers, must provide proof of booster shots no later than one month after becoming eligible for a booster. Per CDC guidelines, a person is eligible to get a booster shot five (updated on 1/11/22) months after the last shot of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccination series, or two months after the J&J vaccine.
Vaccination/Booster Submission Process
We have created a process for you to upload your proof of vaccination/booster within the NMCC portal. Simply go to the NMCC Portal Home Page and click on, “COVID-19 Vaccination/Booster Submission” near the top of the page. You will then need to complete drop-down menus for the vaccination type, the date of vaccination(s), then upload a picture or scanned image of your vaccination card. When this is complete, simply click “Submit Vaccination Information”. It’s that simple!
I want to wish everyone a happy holiday season. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have.
Matthew A. Grillo
Dean of Students
COVID-19 Testing Available (posted 10/29/21)
Working cooperatively with the University of Maine system, COVID-19 PCR testing is now available on the Northern Maine Community College campus at a limited capacity. Testing is intended for students and staff who have been exposed to, or are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. If you believe you need to be tested to attend in person classes or perform your duties as an employee, please contact the Dean of Student at For immediate response please call 768-8154.
Email from Dean of Students to Student Body (Sent 8/25/2021):
Dear Students and Staff,
Please review the following information as you prepare for the start of classes next Monday.
All students will need to enter through either the Christy Lobby, the Smith Wellness Center Lobby, or though the upper, Mailman building main entrance starting Monday, August 30th. NMCC staff will be stationed at each entrance to ensure that all students have met the required vaccination status. If you have not submitted a copy of your vaccination card yet, please do not wait until your first day of classes. This will likely cause delays for those trying to enter buildings.
Required Vaccination for All Students
A reminder that on August 12th, the Maine Community College system updated its vaccination requirement to include all students who attend on-campus classes. Students must provide proof they received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine prior to attending their first in-person class. Additional details, including those related to medical exemptions and for those who will need a second shot, can be found on the MCCS website.
Please review your school email account or visit the NMCC website (“Coronavirus Updates”) to review the process to submit evidence of vaccination.
Vaccine Shots Available on Campus (NEW INFORMATION)
On Monday, August 30th, the Pfizer vaccine will be available to students and staff from 9:00am to 11:00am in the Smith Wellness Center. The second shot will be available on September 20th. There will be a limited number of doses available. Please respond to this email if you would like to be put on the list to receive a Pfizer vaccine shot on this date.
Daily LiveSafe App. Requirement
A reminder that each day students and staff must fill out their LiveSafe App. This can be done via phone or computer.
Face Covering Protocol Reminder Found Here!
I wish you all the very best as you start the fall semester. As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Matthew A. Grillo
Email from Dean of Students to Student Body (Updated 8/12/2021):
Dear Students (…and Staff),
I am writing to tell you that the Maine Community College System (MCCS) has updated its COVID-19 safety protocols. For the 2021-22 academic year all in-person students and trainees are required to be vaccinated for COVID-19. Please continue reading for additional details.
•This does not apply to students who are fully remote and will not be entering campus buildings for any purpose.
• MCCS/NMCC will grant exemptions for individuals who cannot be vaccinated for documented medical reasons.
• The protocol applies to any student or trainee accessing MCCS/NMCC facilities, including our off-site education centers.
• Students must provide proof they received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine prior to attending their first in-person class. Students who require a second dose of a vaccine must provide proof of the second dose no later than 30 days from the date of their first in-person class. This timetable ensures that all students will have had at least one shot before going inside a building, and that the entire on-campus student body will have completed their vaccinations approximately 30 days from the semester start.
To submit proof of vaccination please follow our already established procedure shared below:
Proof of Vaccination Process
Mail or email a copy of your vaccination card to: Angela Wardwell , or Attn: Angela Wardwell, NMCC, 33 Edgemont Drive, Presque Isle, ME 04769. Angela will record your submission and send email confirmation that your card has been received. She will then destroy the copy of your card. Your vaccination date(s) and the type of vaccination (Pfizer, Moderna, etc.) must appear on the card. Missing information will invalidate your card. Please contact the vaccination site where you got your shot, or your primary medical provider should any of this information be missing. If you choose to mail the copy of your card, please be mindful of how long it may take to arrive, keeping in mind that is must be received prior to attending your first in-person class, and/or moving into on-campus housing.
Medical Exemptions
To receive a medical exemption students mustprovide written documentation on letterhead from their licensed physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistantthat in the professional judgment of the provider it is medically inadvisable for the student to receive a COVID-19 vaccination.Such documentation should be sent to
Again, I know how challenging this is for many of us. I commend you all on your resilience and invite any and allquestions you may have. Always remember that as the COVID-19 situation continues to change, so too will our policies and procedures. Please continue to be on the lookout for future updates.
Dean Grillo
Dean of Students
Northern Maine Community College
Maine Community College System
Face Covering Protocols
Updated 7/28/2021
The Maine Community College System has implemented a variety of precautionary measures aimed at reducing the risk of transmission on campus of the virus that causes COVID-19. One significant precautionary measure advocated by public health officials and adopted by MCCS is the requirement to wear a disposable or cloth face covering in certain settings.
This protocol is periodically revised to reflect updated public health guidance. Continued public health guidance in this area is anticipated and the protocol will be revised accordingly. Until further notice, the following terms govern the wearing of face coverings by all persons on Maine Community College System property and at off campus locations while participating in MCCS- sponsored programs and activities.
I. Where a Face Covering is Required
A face covering is required to be worn over the nose, mouth and chin indoors in all indoor public and shared/communal spaces, and outdoors when in a dense crowd, regardless of vaccination status.
Exceptions to the face covering requirement are:
1. Employees when alone in an office or other personal workspace, with the door closed;
2. Residential students when in their own bedroom in campus housing when only the assigned occupants of that bedroom are present;
3. When eating or drinking in a space where eating and drinking is permitted and only for the duration necessary to consume the food and/or beverage. The colleges may impose additional rules governing eating and drinking in order to meet operational and health and safety needs; and
4. Children under 5 in a daycare setting and all other children under 2 years of age.
II. Additional Terms
Physical distancing is not a substitute for wearing a face covering in locations where a face covering is required.
MCCS may require physical distancing as needed to address health and safety issues.
Any person not wearing a face covering, or an acceptable face covering, where required will be asked to put one on or leave the location where a face covering is required.
III. Type of Face Covering Required
A face covering must be a disposable or cloth mask made of multiple layers of tightly woven fabric that fits snugly around the face, covers the nose, mouth and chin and secures with ear loops or ties behind the head.
Homemade and commercially manufactured masks that meet this definition are acceptable forms of face coverings.
Examples of face coverings that are not acceptable include:
1. Bandanas;
2. Neck gaiters; and
3. Masks with a valve or vent
IV. Requests for Accommodations
Persons required under this protocol to wear a face covering who have a documented disability and have been determined by a medical professional to be unable to wear a disposable or cloth face covering should contact [the college’s Office of Student Disability /Accessibility Services or ADA officer] prior to coming to campus to determine whether a reasonable accommodation is available.
V. Off Campus
Because we truly are in this together, taking these steps will help to minimize the risk of transmission on campus and benefit all students, employees and their families. We also ask that all members of the campus community continue to wear a disposable or cloth face covering during visits to off campus indoor public settings, and in densely crowded outdoor settings, unrelated to MCCS programs and activities.
Effective 7/28/21
Email from Dean of Students to Student Body (Updated 7/29/2021):
Dear Students,
By now many of you have read the recent CDC mask protocol update for fully vaccinated people found here. I hope you will take the time to read the article if you have not done so already. Like the CDC, we too must adjust with the ever-changing COVID-19 situation. The information below is vital as you prepare for your fall semester at NMCC.
For the health and safety of our community, NMCC is strongly encouraging all students and staff to get vaccinated for COVID-19.
Full vaccination status begins 2 weeks after the second dose in a 2-dose series (such as with the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines) or 2 weeks after a single-dose vaccine (such as with Johnson & Johnson). If you plan to get a 2-dose shot, your first shot needs to be completed by this Friday, July 30th in order to meet the 2-dose/full vaccination status timelines before the start of the semester.
All nursing, allied health, EMT, and students living in on-campus housing are required to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination. A list of vaccination sites throughout Maine and Aroostook Country can be found here.
Individuals required to show proof of vaccination must mail or email a copy of their vaccination card to: Angela Wardwell , or Attn: Angela Wardwell, NMCC, 33 Edgemont Drive, Presque Isle, ME 04769. Angela will record your submission and send email confirmation that your card has been received. She will then destroy the copy of your card. Your vaccination date(s) and the type of vaccination (Pfizer, Moderna, etc.) must appear on the card. Missing information will invalidate your card. Please contact the vaccination site where you got your shot, or your primary medical provider should any of this information be missing.
Everyone is encouraged to submit their vaccination card, allowing the college to better gauge our overall percentage of vaccinated individuals.
It is vital to remember that as the COVID-19 situation continues to change, so too will our policies and procedures. Please continue to be on the lookout for future updates. Additional COVID-19 information can be found below.
Notice Regarding Clinicals and Immunizations (Updated 5/4/2021):
Current and prospective health program students should be advised the following regarding COVID-19 immunization:
- Students who are not already vaccinated should take advantage of the opportunity to become fully vaccinated prior to the start of the fall semester.
- Some clinical sites have made the decision to require students to provide proof of immunization as a condition of training at the clinical site.
- It is expected that more sites will require proof of immunization for clinical students, particularly as the vaccine becomes widely available to all.
- Yes, it is entirely legal for healthcare facilities to mandate an EUA COVID-19 vaccination. Emergency Use Authorization does not have any impact on that issue. EUA requires that people be told that they have the option not to have the vaccine, e.g. they cannot be compelled by the government to be vaccinated. EUA has nothing to do with whether an employer chooses to mandate vaccination for its workers. Students have the choice not be vaccinated, but a direct consequence of that decision may be the inability to complete their program.
- Sites that require proof of immunization will not accept students who cannot provide such proof and are not required to provide medical or religious exemptions if allowing an exemption would present a direct threat to others. Unvaccinated individuals likely would be determined to be a direct threat given the potential for severe health consequences, including death, posed by transmission of the virus.
- The college cannot guarantee clinical placement of students who do not meet clinical site requirements.
- Clinicals typically begin at the start of the student’s first semester.
- Students who do not successfully complete their program’s clinical requirements cannot progress through the program.
- Students who do not complete their program are not eligible to sit for the licensing exam.
- Students who are not able to sit for licensure are not able to obtain employment in their field and may have difficulty repaying student loans.
Maine Community College System
Face Covering Protocols
Updated 5/4/2021
The Maine Community College System has implemented a variety of precautionary measures aimed at reducing the risk of transmission on campus of the virus that causes COVID-19. One significant precautionary measure advocated by public health officials and adopted by MCCS is the requirement to wear a disposable or cloth face covering. The following protocols govern the wearing of face coverings on Maine Community College System property.
- Where a Face Covering is Required
A face covering is required to be worn over the nose, mouth and chin indoors in all public and shared/communal spaces, and outdoors whenever physical distancing (a minimum of 6 feet) cannot be assured. Until further notice, exceptions to the face covering requirement are:
- When alone, and the door is closed, in an office or a bedroom in campus housing;
2. When eating or drinking in a space where eating and drinking is permitted and
only for the duration necessary to consume the food and/or beverage. Physical
distancing is required during this activity; and
3. Children under 5 in a daycare setting and all other children under 2 years
of age.
Physical distancing is not a substitute for wearing a face covering in locations where a face covering is required.
Until further notice, individuals who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 are required to comply with face covering and physical distancing requirements.
Any person not wearing a face covering, or an acceptable face covering, where required will be asked to put one on or leave the location where a face covering is required.
- Type of Face Covering Required
A face covering must be a disposable or cloth mask made of multiple layers of tightly woven fabric that fits snugly around the face, covers the nose, mouth and chin and secures with ear loops or ties behind the head.
Homemade and commercially manufactured masks that meet this definition are acceptable forms of face coverings.
Examples of face coverings that are not acceptable include:
- Bandanas;
2. Neck gaiters; and
3. Masks with a valve or vent
III. Requests for Accommodations
Persons with a documented disability who have been determined by a medical professional to be unable to wear a disposable or cloth face covering should contact [the college’s Office of Student Disability /Accessibility Services or ADA officer] prior to coming to campus to determine whether a reasonable accommodation is available.
- Off Campus
All members of the campus community are expected to wear a disposable or cloth face covering in public settings off campus as required by Maine law, and to follow other recommendations of public health officials. Because we truly are in this together, taking these steps will help to minimize the risk of transmission on campus and benefit all students, employees and their families.
Email from Dean of Students 3/11/21:
Dear Students,
Last December, Congress passed and former President Trump signed (on December 27, 2020) the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriation Act (CRRSA) which provided emergency financial aid grants to assist students with expenses related to the disruptions of campus operations due to coronavirus. These emergency funds may be used for any component of students cost of attendance or emergency costs that arise due to the coronavirus, such as tuition and fees, food, housing, course materials, technology, health care (including mental health) and child care expenses. The maximum grant to individual students is $6195 depending upon a student’s need. Need is determined using the current year [2021] FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid.) If you have not completed this year’s FAFSA, I encourage you to do so now if you intend to apply for this grant.
To apply: Emergency Funds (including CRRSA) Application [Note: you must log into the portal to complete the form. Completing the application does not automatically mean a student is eligible for the funds.]
One person has tested positive for COVID-19 and has gone into isolation at home. Contact tracing protocol was followed and other members of the campus community who had contact with the individual have been restricted from campus for 10 days, per Maine CDC guidelines. All of these individuals were last on campus on Friday, February 19. No other members of the campus community are considered to have had close contact.
Updated 2020-21 Academic Calendar reflecting Spring Semester Changes (Added 12/23/2020)
Email from Dean of Students, sent 12/23/2020 to all enrolled students:
Dear Students,
With the fall semester now behind us, I want to take a moment to wish you and yours a safe and happy holiday season. This past semester has been a difficult one for most of us and I am hopeful the break between semesters serves as a time for you to reflect, recharge, and strengthen your resolve. College can be (no, it is) difficult and strengthening your resolve to successfully complete your program of studies is critical to your success, especially when times are tough.
Covid-19 has and will continue to present a variety of challenges for the remainder of this academic year. As you already know, in the interest of safety, the spring ’21 semester calendar has been adjusted (see attachment.) All classes will begin online only starting January 11, 2021. You must log into Brightspace during the first week of the semester (Jan. 11 – 15, 2021) to be considered enrolled for financial aid and other purposes. Many classes will be holding Zoom or other types of online lectures during the time you would otherwise be on campus. I encourage you to log into your spring classes as soon as practicable once the semester begins. Follow the instructions your faculty give you.
The ‘in person’ portion of classes (for those classes with them) are scheduled to begin on January 25, 2021. Campus residents may move into campus housing the day before. Check with Mr. Jon Blanchard, Dir. of Residential Life for specific details regarding campus housing ( .) Quarantine protocols will be enforced for resident students, as appropriate.
Note that access to campus buildings has been further restricted. Over the semester break, students and guests may only enter through the Smith Wellness Center entrance. All other doors are locked. Everyone must complete the LiveSave app daily prior to entering any campus building. I encourage all of you to save a trip to campus by ordering your books online and having them mailed directly to your home. Direct questions about your book order to: Ms. Becky Bell, Follett Bookstore Manager, (207) 768-2715, or .
We continue to learn of some students struggling with food insecurity and other financial difficulties. If you are among them, please continue to reach out to us as we do have some limited resources which may be of assistance.
Food insecurity – contact: Ashley Hall (207) 768-2786,
Emergency Funds – log into the portal and complete the Emergency Funds Application form
Other Student Supports – contact: Student Support Services (207) 768-2839,
TalkCampus and CampusWell are two free resources available to all NMCC students.
Please continue to check your college email regularly as this is how we will continue to share the latest information with you. Please stay safe by adhering to CDC and other common sense guidelines. Happy holidays and best wishes always.
William Egeler, Ed.D.
Dean of Students
Updated Mask Mandate for Students, Faculty, and Staff (Added 11/10/2020):
Maine Community College System
Face Covering Protocols
The Maine Community College System has implemented a variety of precautionary measures aimed at reducing the risk of transmission on campus of the virus that causes COVID-19. One significant precautionary measure advocated by public health officials and adopted by MCCS is the requirement to wear a disposable or cloth face covering. The following protocols govern the wearing of face coverings on Maine Community College System property
I. Where a Face Covering is Required
A face covering is required to be worn over the nose, mouth and chin indoors in all public and shared spaces, and outdoors on MCCS grounds, including parking lots, sidewalks, walkways, roads, playgrounds, athletic fields and lawns. Until further notice, exceptions to the face covering requirement are:
- When alone in an office with a closed door or a bedroom with a closed door in
campus housing;
2. When eating or drinking in a space where eating and drinking is permitted and
only for the duration necessary to consume the food and/or beverage. Physical
distancing (a minimum of 6 feet) is required during this activity; and
3. Children under 5 in a daycare setting and all other children under 2 years
of age.
Physical distancing is not a substitute for wearing a face covering in locations where a face covering is required.
Any person not wearing a face covering, or an acceptable face covering, where required will be asked to put one on or leave the location where a face covering is required.
II. Type of Face Covering Required
A face covering must be a disposable or cloth mask made of multiple layers of tightly woven fabric that fits snugly around the face, covers the nose, mouth and chin and secures with ear loops or ties behind the head.
Homemade and commercially manufactured masks that meet this definition are acceptable forms of face coverings.
Examples of face coverings that are not acceptable include:
- Bandanas;
2. Neck gaiters; and
3. Masks with a valve or vent
III. Requests for Accommodations
Persons with a documented disability who have been determined by a medical professional to be unable to wear a disposable or cloth face covering should contact [the college’s Office of Student Disability /Accessibility Services or ADA officer] prior to coming to campus to determine whether a reasonable accommodation is available.
IV. Off Campus
All members of the campus community are expected to wear a disposable or cloth face covering in public settings off campus as required by Maine law, and to follow other recommendations of public health officials. Because we truly are in this together, taking these steps will help to minimize the risk of transmission on campus and benefit all students, employees and their families.
Brief Video Message in Preparation for Fall 2020 (Added 8/28/2020):
Tracking COVID-19 Cases on NMCC Campus (Updated 8/31/2020)
NMCC will report here on any confirmed cases of a person with COVID-19 who has been on campus or at a college facility and may have exposed other members of the campus community.
Note that this count is partly based on self-reporting to the college. We cannot provide details about individual cases. Anyone exposed to the virus by a person with a confirmed case of COVID-19 will be contacted directly by the college or Maine CDC.
Current COVID-19 cases at NMCC:
- No positive cases at this time
Resolved cases:
- NA
All students, faculty, and staff must complete a Daily Health Check before coming to NMCC campus. Security officers will be checking to ensure this is been completed at each of the campus entrances during Fall 2020 semester. (Added 9/1/2020)
Click to Download Required LiveSafe App, and Complete Daily Health Check Before Coming to Campus
Email from Dean of Students, Dr. Bill Egeler, to student body (sent 8/28/2020):
Welcome Students!
All of us are looking forward to the fall 2020 semester getting underway on Monday. To my returning students, we have missed you. To my new students, we look forward to having you join the NM family.
Covid-19 has changed how we will operate this fall. Our shared responsibility to each other requires that all of us do what we can to help reduce the inadvertent spread of this virus and to help keep each other safe. The things we expect of you are all – Common Sense actions. Please do your part by:
- Complete COVID-19 Student Readiness, in Brightspace. Earn your Badge.
- Download the LiveSafe app to your phone. Register under the Maine Community College System, then select NMCC. Answer the Daily Health Check questions each day before coming to campus.
- Wear your mask on campus and bring your student ID with you every day…..your ID acts like a key for certain building doors
- For classes being held in: Edmunds, AK Christie, or Martin buildings – enter through either the AK Christie lobby or Smith Wellness Center entrances….all other doors are locked. Classrooms in the Mailman Trades building should be entered directly through the associated trade lab’s exterior door.
- Wash your Hands frequently & use Hand Sanitizer whenever soap & water are not available
- Need help or have questions? Call ahead, email, or even have a virtual meeting with one of our counselors – links are found on the home page of the portal ( Most campus offices are requiring appointments for in-person meetings.
- Check into every course you are enrolled in – every course has an associated Brightspace page where you will find course resources, assignments, faculty contact info and more…
- Check your college email daily. This is the official communication vehicle with students; it is how we get information to you both quickly and safely.
Following the Eight Essentials above will get you off to a great start. College is all about learning so don’t be afraid to ask questions…..any question. Knowledge is Power.
Stay informed and engaged and have a great semester.
Dr. William Egeler
Dean of Students
Click here to view the Fall 2020 Reopening Plan.
Click here to read the Face Covering Protocols on NMCC Campus for Fall 2020 (Added 8/18/2020)
How to get a Student ID Card during COVID-19 (August 4th, 2020)
Student ID cards are required for all currently enrolled students.
See below for important information on obtaining a Student ID card:
Why do I need a Student ID?
A Student ID is required to be able gain access to (entryways) when the fall semester starts on Monday, August 31, 2020. The Student ID grants access to the building by swiping the ID in front of the keycard pad located next to the doors entrance.
Along with campus access, your Student ID also provides you access to your bookstore account, online library, dining, and campus transactions.
How do I obtain my Student ID?
Students must schedule an appointment to obtain their Student ID, which can be done by contacting the NMCC Security Office at (207) 551-5765.
When will appointments be available?
Appointments are available starting August 3, 2020, Monday-Friday 9:30-11:30 and 2:00 – 4:00 pm.
Note: If you are unable to schedule during the designated time, please contact the NMCC Security Office to make alternative arrangements.
Where on campus do I go to get my Student ID?
Once you have arrived on campus, please call the NMCC Security Staff at 551-5765. They will meet you at the entrance of Smith Wellness Center at the time of your scheduled appointment to allow you access into the campus. Students are required to wear masks in the building. Face shields are not an acceptable covering. You will also need to answer the CDC COVID- 19 checklist.
Do I need to bring anything to get my Student ID?
You must present valid photo identification (Driver’s License, State ID or Passport) before your Student ID can be made.
Email from President Crowley to All Students (July 9, 2020)
RE: Fall Semester Update
Dear Students:
Northern Maine Community College will begin fall classes as originally planned on August 31, 2020. We have developed plans to ensure a safe and productive fall semester. Our work in response to COVID-19 has been guided by two important principles:
- The safety of all students, faculty, and staff
- The delivery of quality educational experiences
To adhere to these principles, we have made changes in campus operations for the summer and these changes will continue into the fall semester.
Changes for the fall 2020 semester
- Cloth masks are now required for all individuals on campus. Masks will be worn in all public locations and when social distancing is not possible.
- The number of classes being offered online has increased significantly. You will need a reliable internet connection and a computer including camera and speakers for online interactive meeting/discussions. If this will be a challenge for you contact the Counseling Office at (207) 768-2747.
- Courses offered by the Arts and Science Department will be mostly online.
- Courses offered in the Business Technology Department will have two delivery modes. 100-level courses will be in a hybrid mode while 200-level courses will be online. Hybrid classes initially will meet in person and transition to online after the 3rd or 4th meeting.
- Courses offered in the Trade and Technical Department will be in a combination of online and in-person. The face-to-face labs will continue as scheduled with modifications to the labs and classrooms to address the need for social distancing. Faculty in the Trade and Technical Department are working to develop alternative lecture delivery methods.
- Nursing, Emergency Medical Technician and Medical Assisting students will continue to have clinical and simulation experience as well as lectures. Classroom locations for Nursing classes have changed to accommodate class size.
It is important for you to check your class schedule in order to be prepared for these changes. In an effort to reduce class size and reduce the number of students on campus at any one time, we have adjusted the location of some classes and the method of delivery (hybrid, online or traditional).
If you are a resident student, we have made changes in room assignments. All students living on campus will have a single bedroom. If you have questions regarding details on room assignments, you can contact Director of Residential Life, Jon Blanchard at (207) 768-2795.
We are looking forward to getting the fall semester underway. It will be different and we are prepared to be flexible and adjust as the situation warrants.
We hope you are having a wonderful summer. If you have questions about any of this information or would just like to discuss this with someone, please feel free to call us at (207) 768-2700. Also, I would be happy to receive and respond to any e-mail questions or comments.
Timothy Crowley, President
Northern Maine Community College
33 Edgemont Drive
Presque Isle, ME 04769
(207) 768-2811
Video update from President Crowley – (April 12, 2020 @ 3:30pm)
Video update from President Crowley – (April 4, 2020 @ 3:30pm)
Email from President Crowley – (April 2, 2020 @ 10:00am)
To Students, Faculty, and Staff:
Because of the continued concern for the spread of the Coronavirus NMCC will discontinue providing direct services that are face-to-face. Most employees are working from home with only essential personnel on campus. Campus offices are being staffed and we are responding to student’s requests, however, we will be doing so either over the phone or via e-mail. You can reach the campus by dialing (207) 768-2700.
For your safety I encourage you to wash your hands frequently and respect social distancing requirements.
Timothy Crowley, President
Northern Maine Community College
Email from President Crowley – (March 30, 2020 @ 5:30pm)
To Students, Staff and Faculty:
The changes in operations NMCC is making are being made to protect the health and safety of our students and employees. I want to encourage you to follow the guidelines being provided to us by Maine CDC including washing your hands frequently and respecting social distancing.
The college Safety Committee has met to discuss this year’s commencement exercises scheduled for May 2, 2020. After careful consideration we feel it is appropriate to cancel this year’s traditional commencement exercise. Over the next few days we will be developing an alternative approach to recognizing students for successfully completing their degree or certificate program of study.
Thank you for understanding the reasoning of this decision. I know it will be disappointing to students and their families but we feel it is necessary to take this action based on the challenges we are facing.
We will be in touch in the next few days to update you on our plans.
Timothy Crowley, President
Northern Maine Community College
Email from President Crowley (March 22nd, 2020 @ 4:30pm)
Dear Students, Faculty and Staff:
The faculty and staff continue to work putting programs and services online. This week the Trade and Technical faculty and the Emergency Medical Services faculty will be working to find alternative methods for delivering hands-on instruction. This will include providing lectures online and some virtual labs. Students in those departments should pay close attention to their e-mail to be informed of these changes.
On Monday, March 23rd you will find all offices open at NM. Staffing has been reduced as we assign more employees to work from home. Whenever possible, please call ahead before coming to campus to ensure that you do not have to wait for service. You can call (207) 768-2700 to reduce any wait time.
Please continue to take these basic steps to reduce your risk of getting the Coronavirus and spreading the virus by washing your hands often, respect the space of others by social distancing. Six feet is the recommended distance between people.
Please go to to check for the most current information regarding changes in college operations.
Timothy Crowley, President
Northern Maine Community College
Memo from President Crowley (March 20th, 2020 @ 3:30pm)
NMCC Students –
NMCC will not hold any face-to-face classes until further notice. The resumption of face-to-face instruction is scheduled for April 6th, however, that is unlikely. I will communicate to you if and when we will continue face-to-face instruction for this semester by next Thursday, March 26th.
Offices will remain open to provide services to students, however, we encourage students to call and make an appointment if possible at (207) 768-2700.
The faculty are working to put as much content as possible online. Faculty in the Business Technology Department, the Arts and Sciences Department, and the Nursing area have developed alternative methods of delivery of courses. The Trade and Technical programs and the Emergency Medical Services programs are working on putting content up. I expect next week we will see progress in those programs.
If you have not already done so you can register for the summer or fall classes at this time. If you have questions regarding registering for next semester you can call (207) 768-2787.
We have the following topics under discussion and will communicate to you how we will proceed as soon as possible:
- Will we hold end of semester events such as Nursing Pinning, Commencement, Academic Award Night, etc.?
- If refunds are needed, how and when will they be provided?
It is important for you to check your campus e-mail often! Changes in services, schedule and classes will be sent via e-mail and posted on the college website. Please check your campus e-mail frequently.
If you have questions you can send an e-mail to for the college to respond to.
Timothy Crowley, President
Northern Maine Community College
Email from President Crowley, RE: COVID-19 (March 17, 2020; 1:37pm)
Dear Students, Faculty and Staff:
Northern Maine Community College will discontinue all face-to-face (in-classroom) instruction as of tomorrow, Wednesday, March 18th at 4:00 pm. We have a possible resumption of face-to-face instruction date of Monday, April 6, 2020. The college faculty and staff have moved all Business Technology and Arts and Science classes online. Faculty and staff will be working over the next few weeks to develop alternative methods of delivery for the technical courses that require hands-on instruction.
We understand that this change will create some concern and confusion for students. We will work with all of our students to see that they have the opportunity to complete their program of studies in a reasonable time.
We are in uncharted waters here, but I firmly believe we will come through this experience as a stronger college with new instruction methods that will allow us to expand our reach.
I want to express my appreciation to faculty, staff and students for their outstanding willingness to help each other which is so prevalent at NMCC. It is this community spirit and sense of family that is providing direction through these choppy waters.
I will be communicating with faculty, staff and students regularly through email and directing them to further information at the NMCC website and to the MCCS COVID-19 information page.
Stay healthy!
Timothy Crowley, President
Northern Maine Community College
Email from President Crowley, RE: COVID-19 (March 16, 2020; 4:30pm)
To Students, Staff, Faculty and Community:
I am deeply grateful for everyone in our college community for the support you have shown in the midst of the rapidly evolving COVID-19 outbreak.
The current situation requires that we take immediate, difficult action to protect the health and safety of our communities. We do so with tremendous regret and understand that these actions will be disruptive and difficult.
- By the end of this week, Maine’s community colleges will close all campus student housing for the remainder of the semester. Resident students with personal extenuating circumstances may request an exemption.
- After our extended break, we will move all courses that can be moved to online/distance education.
- And we will double our efforts to develop alternative delivery models and options for those courses that are hands-on in nature.
- More information about specific courses will be provided in the coming days.
- All non-essential college travel is cancelled.
- Gatherings of over 50 are no longer allowed and should be restricted to no more than 10 people if they involve anyone over 60 or those at higher risk for infection.
Everyone on campus is working to make these transitions as manageable as possible. And we will need the continued cooperation, understanding and kindness of everyone in our college community to move through these challenging days.
We are continuing to monitor the Coronavirus risk in our area and are committed to doing our very best to ensure the health and safety of our college and our communities. We are also committed to continue the teaching and learning underway this semester.
Timothy Crowley, President
Northern Maine Community College
Update from President Crowley (Sunday, March 15, 2020 @ 9:25pm)
Students, Faculty and Staff,
We continue to monitor and plan for changes that may be necessary in College operations as the coronavirus situation unfolds. Today I have been in communication with department chairs, campus administrators, the Maine Community College System Administrative Team and a variety of members of our community. Our first priority is to protect the health of our students, staff and community.
At this time, we are aware that many local schools have decided to take a two-week break. This may cause some challenges for our students and employees and we will work with you to do all we can to assist you.
The College plans to be in session tomorrow (Monday, March 16) with a full schedule and I will update you at that time regarding any changes that may affect the schedule for the remainder of the week. Please continue to monitor changes through postings on this site.
Tim Crowley
NMCC President
Update from President Crowley (Saturday, March 14, 2020 @ 6:30pm)
Students, Faculty and Staff,
I am pleased to report that at this time, we have made no additional changes to the College operational procedures. The information I provided to you in my previous posting outlines the College response to Covid 19.
As you know, this is a ever-changing situation, should we need to make additional adjustments to schedules or operations we will post those change on the NMCC.EDU web site.
We have a very good team monitoring this situation and our first priority is the health and safety of the NMCC Community.
Have a great weekend.
Timothy Crowley
President NMCC
Email from President Crowley, RE: COVID-19 (March 12, 2020; 4:30pm)
Dear Students, Staff and Faculty:
As you are probably aware, the University of Maine System and a number of other colleges and universities have announced that they will move all instruction on-line and close residence halls after their spring breaks in response to the potential spread of COVID-19. Many of you are wondering if NMCC will do the same.
This morning, after careful review and discussion, we have decided to extend our spring break by one week in order to prepare to transition as many courses as possible to new modalities should the need arise. For NMCC this means that, for students, our break will extend from March 23rd through April 3rd.
Employees will be on the regularly scheduled break and at work during the week of March 23, 2020. All of Maine’s community colleges are taking this same action based upon their individual college calendars.
Our response team is working in close collaboration with COVID-19 planning teams across the Maine Community College System. The highest priority of each of these teams is the health and safety of our college communities. However, the work that is underway is concerned with all aspects of college operations.
During the extended break, having a non-instructional week will enable faculty and staff to focus on the most important of those areas, so that we can be as ready as possible to continue educational delivery throughout the current semester.
As of today, no college in our system has closed its residential facilities. Those decisions will be made in close consultation with public health experts and will be made before the conclusion the break. If we are forced to close residence halls, we are committed to providing students who have legitimate reasons for remaining on campus a place to stay through the end of the semester, and those decisions will be on a case-by-case basis.
The Governor’s office has just announced the first presumptive case of Coronavirus in Maine (Androscoggin County). The decision to extend the break in order to prepare continuation is because the vast majority of our student body is from Maine and commutes to campus from the local area. Unless and until the virus spreads widely in our area, we believe the prudent course of action is to continue our normal operations as much as possible.
I will be communicating with faculty, staff and students regularly through email and directing them to further information at the NMCC website and to the MCCS COVID-19 information page.
Also, please know that the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Maine CDC) and 211 Maine have announced a new option for Mainers to get answers to questions about COVID-19 at any time. This service is available by dialing 211 (or 1-866-811-5695), texting your ZIP code to 898-211, or emailing
Timothy Crowley, President
Northern Maine Community College
Email from President Crowley, RE: COVID-19 (March 12, 2020)
I feel it is important to update you on NM’s preparation and response to the concern with the spread of COVID-19.
We have been monitoring the situation with a Maine Community College System team as well as our campus team and are in constant contact with Maine CDC tracking this rapidly changing situation. I am posting informational updates to campus procedures as they occur. We recently modified our travel authorization to essential travel only and confined travel to in state travel. These and other updates can be found on the college website.
I met with the college Department Chairs yesterday afternoon to review the announcement the UMaine system made about moving all classes to an online mode. The change they are making is focused on not bringing students and possibly the virus back to campus after spring break.
Our spring break occurs later, March 30, 2020 to April 3, 2020, and we do not have the number of international students or out of state students the UMaine system has. We are prepared to move online with most of our classes but don’t feel at this time it is necessary. As we approach our spring break, March 30, 2020, we will determine if or when we need to move online.
We do not have any plans to close the campus at this time however we are monitoring this situation closely and are prepared to take the necessary steps to protect our students, staff and our community.
Timothy Crowley, President
New Travel Guidance (added 3.11.20)
In order to minimize the potential spread of the virus, Maine’s community colleges are limiting college-sponsored travel for non-essential purposes. You should check with your supervisor to determine whether to proceed with any travel planned through June 1, 2020. Travel for NM employees will be limited to in-state travel.
Members of the college community who have traveled outside the U.S. in the past 14 days or who plan to travel outside the U.S. (including Canada) in the coming days should complete this short form before leaving or returning to campus. The short form can be turned in to Beth Hummel in the Human Resource office.
If you are traveling within the U.S., please consult the CDC website which tracks the number of confirmed cases in each state: We strongly encourage you to consult this list before traveling, to avoid areas with significant outbreaks, and to observe CDC-recommended steps to help protect yourself and prevent illness.
Do campus events need to be cancelled? (added 3.11.20)
If you are sick, stay home from events. In addition, the Maine CDC is recommending that people consider avoiding large public gatherings.
At this time, MCCS is not requiring individual community colleges to cancel school or social events. However, requirements that limit or prohibit events larger than a certain number of people are likely to be adopted as the situation rapidly evolves, and decisions may need to be made with little notice. As a result, event planners should develop backup plans, consider how to incorporate social distancing, and be prepared to pivot as the virus spreads.
New guidance: Employees and students who may be at greater risk (added 3.11.20)
MCCS is working to provide work accommodations to faculty and staff at a higher risk of serious illness from COVID-19. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention older adults and people with serious chronic medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and lung disease are at a higher risk of serious illness from coronavirus infection. If you are at heightened risk and seek work accommodations, you should contact your department chair or supervisor.
Students facing higher risks may seek accommodations by contacting the office of the Dean of Student Services or Student Life.
(Updates from 3/6/2020)
As Maine’s community colleges prepare for a possible outbreak of COVID-19 in our communities and on our campuses, it is essential that everyone stays informed. This is a rapidly evolving situation, and we will continue to provide information as it develops and changes. Please check back regularly for updates.
For more information: Dr. Dottie Martin is leading the college’s response to COVID-19. If you have questions or concerns please contact him/her at (207) 768 – 2806 or
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Where can I get reliable information and updates about COVID-19?
MCCS encourages you to stay-up-to-date on developments by seeking information through credible sources, such as the Maine Center for Disease Control and U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
If you have a question that is not answered here, visit the Maine CDC’s Frequently Asked Questions.
- How are Maine’s community colleges monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak?
The Maine Community College System (MCCS), and the leadership of each of the seven community colleges, are closely monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak using resources and guidance provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Maine Center for Disease Control, and other credible sources.
- Is MCCS aware of any community college students, faculty or staff who have been diagnosed with COVID-19?
As of March 8, 2020, MCCS is not aware of any community college students, faculty or staff who have been diagnosed with COVID-19.
- How are the community colleges reducing the risk of exposure?
Teams at each of the colleges are preparing for a possible outbreak of COVID-19 on our campuses and are working to reduce risk of exposure by encouraging those who may be sick with colds, the flu, and other respiratory illnesses to remain at home. Through this webpage and other communications channels, the colleges are providing regular updates to each campus and providing guidance on how to prepare, prevent, and respond to potential exposure to the virus. Each college is also increasing the frequency of cleaning and disinfection of public spaces, instructional equipment, and classrooms, labs, and dorms, and has issued guidance on travel over spring breaks. (See information about travel below.)
[Preparation, Prevention, Potential Exposure]
- What precautions can I take to protect myself from COVID-19?
Maine CDC reports that the risk of COVID-19 to Maine people continues to be low. However, it is important for all Maine residents to take proper precautions:
- Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
- Avoid shaking hands as a greeting.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
- What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
Symptoms of COVID-19 can include fever, cough, and shortness of breath.
- What should I do if I become sick with COVID-19 or suspect I am infected with the virus that causes it?
The Centers for Disease Control provides the following advice. More detailed information about each of these recommendations is included in the CDC’s information sheet: What to Do if You are Sick:
- Stay home except to get medical care
- As much as possible, you should stay in a specific room and away from other people. Also, you should use a separate bathroom, if available.
- Call ahead before visiting your doctor: If you have a medical appointment, call the healthcare provider and tell them that you have or may have COVID-19. This will help the healthcare provider’s office take steps to keep other people from getting infected or exposed.
- Wear a facemask when you are around other people.
- Cover your coughs and sneezes.
- Clean your hands often.
- Avoid sharing dishes, cups, eating utensils, towels, and bedding. After using these items, wash them thoroughly with soap and water.
- Clean all “high-touch” surfaces daily.
- Monitor your symptoms: Seek prompt medical attention if your illness is worsening (e.g., difficulty breathing). Before seeking care, call your healthcare provider and tell them that you have, or are being evaluated for, COVID-19. Put on a facemask before you enter the facility.
- What if I have to miss work or classes because of COVID-19?
MCCS is working to develop flexible and non-punitive attendance and work plans for students and staff affected by COVID-19. Our primary concern is the health and safety of our students and employees.
Stay home when you are sick:
- Commuter students are encouraged to stay home if ill and return home if they become ill.
- Sick residents of on-campus housing in communities with no identified COVID-19 and who are not believed to have been exposed to COVID-19 should avoid contact with well individuals while sick.
- Students are encouraged to notify their instructors of their absences so that course accommodations can be considered if necessary.
Employee guidance:
- Employees are encouraged to stay home if ill and to leave work if they become ill.
- The MCCS goal during an outbreak that impacts our colleges will be to keep employees in paid status. If ill, employees are encouraged to remain at home and in pay status through the use of sick leave, vacation leave, and/or personal leave. We are in communications with the unions to further define issues related to paid time off.
- Depending on the circumstances, documentation from an employee’s health care provider may be required.
- What if someone in my home is diagnosed with COVID-19?
If someone in your home has been diagnosed with COVID-19, immediately check with a medical professional for guidance. Contact your instructor or supervisor if the medical advice you receive will require you to miss class or work.
- What if someone in my home has been asked to self-monitor for symptoms?
If someone in your home has been asked by the Maine CDC or a health care provider to self-monitor for symptoms, you should also self-monitor as you continue to go to go about your daily activities.
Self-monitoring means people should monitor themselves for fever by taking their temperatures twice a day and remain alert for cough or difficulty breathing. If they feel feverish or develop measured fever, cough, or difficulty breathing during the self-monitoring period, they should self-isolate, limit contact with others, and seek advice by telephone from a healthcare provider to determine whether medical evaluation is needed.
If the person in your home becomes symptomatic, please check with a medical professional for guidance. Contact your supervisor if medical direction will require you to be out.
- What about travel?
In order to minimize the potential spread of the virus, MCCS is limiting college-sponsored travel for non-essential purposes. You should check with your supervisor to determine whether to proceed with any planned travel.
If you are travelling outside the United States, you can monitor travel advisories on the website of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control:
If you travel to any countries on the CDC’s travel advisory list, you should notify your college president’s office and contact them before your return to campus. (As of 3/8/2020, the countries on the CDC’s warning index include: China, Iran, South Korea, Italy, Japan, and Hong Kong). Other countries are likely to be added in the coming days, so if in doubt, you are asked to share your travel plans, either before you leave or before you return to campus.
If you are traveling in the U.S., several media outlets are tracking the number of confirmed cases in each state (search for “tracking the spread of coronavirus in the US”).
The Centers for Disease Control is also providing helpful answers to frequently asked questions related to travel and COVID-19, including “Should I cancel my trip?”:
Maine Community College System (MCCS) Updates Page
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Guidance for College and Universities