Evening of Excellence Honors NMCC Students

On May 1st, NMCC hosted its annual Evening of Excellence, awarding select students for their remarkable achievements. Left to right, front: Lacie LeGassie, Falcon Spirit Award; Joseph Carroll, Business Administration; Jessica Jimmo, Early Childhood Education; Rachel Driscoll, All-Maine Academic Team; Janelle Pottle, Nursing; Allyson Plummer, Medical Assisting; and Maranda Campbell, All-Maine Academic Team. Left to right, back: Jessica Gove-Healy, Medical Coding; Justin Barry, Plumbing and Heating; Austin Shaw, Automotive Technology; Erik Lamoreau, Liberal Studies and Student of the Year; David Landry, Building Construction Technology; Jonathan Fink, Precision Machining; Justin Rogan, Wind Power Technology; Brian Jensen, Emergency Medical Services; Hunter Graham, Falcon Spirit Award; Jacques Beaulieu, Structural Welding; and Matthieu Doiron, Falcon Spirit Award and Nursing. Missing from the photo is Zachary Dunn, Computer Network Technology; Liam Streeter, Diesel Hydraulics; Jacob Doody, Electrical Const. and Maintenance; and Godfrey Ntate, Falcon Spirit Award.
Aroostook— Northern Maine Community College celebrated senior achievement during an Evening of Excellence on May 1st to honor students who exemplify the NMCC experience – both in and out of the classroom.
Eighteen students were selected – one from each program area – to receive an Academic Achievement Award. A variety of criteria was used to determine the honorees, including academic performance and attitude. The instructors spoke of the qualities and achievements of each of their students and the reason why each student was selected.
A resounding influence in the selection process was attendance, preparedness, work completion and leadership.
In addition to the Academic Achievement Awards, several other accolades were presented by Dr. William Egeler, Dean of Students.
“Congratulations to you all. Tonight we celebrate your success. We know that the people in this room will continue to be successful as they move forward in life.”
Erik Lamoreau of Caribou, was congratulated for his Student of the Year distinction. A reception was recently held in Augusta to honor Lamoreau and six other students, one from each of Maine’s Community Colleges.
The Falcon Spirit Award was presented to Hunter Graham, Lacie LeGassie, Matthieu Doiron, and Godfrey Ntate. This award recognizes students who have gone above the call of duty to help make the campus a better place. All four of these students have volunteered countless hours of their time, are involved in campus organizations, and make the NMCC campus a brighter place.
NMCC’s honor society, Phi Theta Kappa, announced the All-Maine Academic Team honorees, Rachel Driscoll and Maranda Campbell. Each has demonstrated academic excellence, leadership, and community service.
The Award of Excellence was presented to Jessica Jimmo and Justin Barry. This award honors students who have demonstrated high excellence for themselves, are creative thinkers, possess high standards of honesty and integrity, and have been an inspiration to others. Dean Egeler paraphrased a conversation he’d had with the award’s anonymous donor, “Everything that is positive in my life, I can link back to NMCC,” the donor had said. “The person attended NMCC, met their spouse at NMCC, and their best employees came from NMCC,” said Egeler, “Tonight is an additional example of why it is the students that consistently make NMCC such a great place to be.”
The Instructor of the Year award was determined by student nominations and was presented to Bob Rice, the diesel hydraulics instructor who has been with the college more than 20 years.
Student Senate president, Kelly Dooner presented Rice with the award, acknowledging that Rice is a “reputable and respected” member of NMCC faculty and also the local farming community. He is known for being thorough, knowledgeable, helpful, and having a great sense of humor.